Scientific Community for Discovery of Future Medicines

C4D is a non-profit initiative on a mission to uncover chemical compounds from nature, laying the groundwork for future medical breakthroughs. Our primary focus is developing vital anti-infective medications urgently needed in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

At the heart of our endeavours lies a collaborative spirit that knows no borders. C4D is constructing a virtual global hub, uniting more than 25 scientific centres, including those in LMICs across five continents. Rooted in the principles of open science and trust, these hubs generously share their advanced expertise, technology, and infrastructure.

Our purpose is resolute – to foster a healthier world for all. With every step forward, we strive to bring scientific innovation and empathy closer together, shaping a brighter, more equitable future. C4D's story is one of compassion, where dedicated research and shared knowledge converge to make a tangible impact on lives worldwide.

The C4D initiative is led by Leiden University (the Netherlands) and brings together over 25 scientific hubs and counting from around the World.

C4D Collaboration

C4D members gathered from 11-14 September 2023 for the game changing inaugural meeting at Les Pensières - Centre for Global Health in Annécy, France.

C4D Inaugural Event

“Anti-infective drug research has tended to be segregated and competitive. C4D’s ambition is to change the modus operandi, finding a new way of working together. Our coordinated effort will focus on early-stage discovery of promising chemical entities, ultimately leading to clinical trials of medicines”

Gilles Van Wezel, C4D Founder and Coordinator